Bedrijfstraining: houd je team gezond | The Gym Amsterdam

Company Workouts

Healthy and motivated people are an important asset to every company. An easy way to keep your employees mentally as well as physically in shape is providing them with our company workouts. It’s scientifically proven that employees who frequently workout are happier, more positive and energetic. Qualities every company can benefit from.

CTA The Gym Amsterdam Company Workouts




Smart investment

Our Company Workouts can be an easy and smart investment for your business. By facilitating Company Workouts you do not only contribute to healthier staff, it is a well-known team building method. Making your team exercise can also decrease overweight and obesity, as well as physical and mental health problems. Company Workouts are provided by some of the most well-known and progressive companies in the world and could increase your popularity. Who wouldn’t want to work in a company who provides fun and motivating activities from time to time?! Also, Company Workouts are often fully or partially deductible. These workouts can be given at all sorts of locations.

Types of Company Workouts

The Gym provides four ways to make your staff work out in a fun, casual way. A Company Workout can be a one-off event, but you can also choose a frequent Company Workout program to exercise regularly with your team. Our main goal with every Company Workout event is to create awareness among your staff about their physical and mental health and to put them to work as a team.

CTA The Gym Amsterdam Company Workouts




  • The Gym Team Building Session

Looking for a fun and healthy way to upscale the team spirit within your company? Try our Team Building Session. During this work out session we will focus on exercising in ways that you have to work in teams. Including working together as well as competing each other.

  • The Gym Challenging Sports Event

Our Challenging Sports Event is perfect one day event for every employer who wants to make their employees sweat! It will increase your staff’s team building and provides them with that boost of positivity we all need from time to time. Activities such as a punchy boot camp including boxing and kickboxing are an option as well as a salty fight camp where we focus fully on kickboxing. During this challenging day we provide all attendees with healthy meals and drinks to enjoy this event responsibly.

  • The Gym Beat The Burn Out

Choose our Beat The Burn Out program to keep your staff fit and healthy on a frequent base. The Gym will provide your employees with a weekly or monthly schedule to make them sweat! Out Beat The Burn Out program is proven to be a good way to evade burn outs among your staff. Your employees will feel more energetic, vital and motivated. This will decrease their chances with a burn out.

  • The Gym Running

Interested in running (half) a marathon or another running event with your team? The Gym is ready to help you and your team achieving your goal. Preparing for a running event can be a fun way to relax and a good way to increase the team spirit. Nothing feels as satisfying as achieving your after months of practicing!

CTA The Gym Amsterdam Company Workouts





One day Company Workouts by The Gym can be held at any given location, as well as full training weekends. To give any examples for work out locations:

  • Beach
  • Woods
  • Gym
  • Heather
  • Hotel
  • Gym within your company
  • City park

We’re open to any other suggestion for a location for one of our The Gym Company Workout programs. Together we can look into the possibilities. If you have any wishes or suggestions, please contact us, and we can provide you with a detailed proposition.

  • An exclusive and intimate gym in Amsterdam-South
  • Personal training under supervision of professional trainers with many years of experience
  • A sustainable relationship in order to achieve personal goals
  • A body composition analyser for optimum results
  • A free intake!